Sunday, April 25, 2010

Just a Really Quick Hiatus

Okay so after reading LOTS of blogs and posts with different ways to improve my blog, I've decided to put some of those plans into action. I will be taking a quick hiatus from my blog, hopefully no more than a week or two. If you happen to find yourself on here and things look a little off or mismatched, this is why. I'm trying to fix one element at a time, so here it goes...

See you in a week or two with  something that makes some sort of sense a completely redesigned blog.


  1. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.

    Have a nice day!

  2. Thanks for stopping by. I checked out your blog and loved it. I thought I was weird for not having an actual "focus" for my blog. I write about any and everything that comes to mind.

    I enjoyed your Tag post and I commented on it. I may even have a post in the works based on that one.

    I'll be sure to link to your blog.
