My Personal Manifesto

My personal manifesto will include my hopes, dreams, goals, rules of life, and all the other random things we use to guide the decisions we make in life. I truly believe there is a reason for everything that is done, intentional or unintentional, and my personal manifesto will give my reasons.

1. To not take things personally; to realize that nothing others do is because of me, what others say and do is a projection of their own reality.

Despite my tough outer attitude, I am very sensitive on the inside, especially when it comes to what others say or do. One of the main purposes of this blog is for me to get over it and not give a damn about what others think or say about me.

2. To have no need for the approval or validation of other people.

This won't be too hard for me because I've never had a problem with it. Although I may take personally some things that people say or do (goal #1), I've never felt that I needed their approval for anything I say or do. If they don't like it, who gives a fuck.

3. To always be myself and do me.

'Nuff said.

4. To realize that I'm truly blessed for everything that God has given me. 

It took me a long time to get to this point, but I am finally here. I don't question anything that He does anymore. When I lose someone or things don't go my way, I don't ask why. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. When that reason is not obvious to me, I chalk it up  to God feeling like maybe it's beyond my comprehension. As long as He knows why, I'm content. 

5. To always know who and what I am despite my current circumstances.

I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, and a soon-to-be mother. Beyond all this, I am a wonderful  person. So even when circumstances, situations, and sometimes people try to get me down and make me feel like less than I am, I still know. I am me. The person that I made. The person that I want me to  be, not what you or anyone else wants me to be. Me.

6. To move away from my comfort zone and be open to trying new things.

I have never believed in the word "impossible." It could be taken out of the dictionary and the English language and I wouldn't miss it at all. I believe any and everything is possible and you should strive for it if it's what you really want.

7. To know the rules, and to know when to break them.

I mean really, it's an unwritten rule that all rules are made to be broken. (Does that mean that the rule of rules being broken can be broken?) Anyways... I like to have fun and if there's a rule standing in my way, yeah you get my drift.

8. To never live life with regrets.

If I ever feel that I'm going to regret something, I just don't do. But seeing as I'm open to everything and don't regret anything, life's a party for me.

9. To remember that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and to stop taking unnecessary steps and side routes.

I don't have a problem with this, but I feel I have to preach this to everyone that comes in contact with me.  I can't stand beatin around the bush, small talk, and idle chatter. Say what you gotta say and get it over with. Otherwise, you're wasting my time and yours.

10. To always have a plan.

"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desires and begin at once, whether you're ready or not, to put this plan into action." -Napoleon Hill


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