It sounds like an oxymoron at first glance, but that's just what I did. I made a plan today to do nothing. Of course things didn't quite work out that way, but hey at least I made a plan. I ended up bribing myself to do laundry. Yes, I did say bribing myself. That's just the way it is. I finished one load and I got some pineapples. I finished the second load and I got a bacon cheeseburger. Since the last load were sheets for my bed, the reward was simple: a nap. That was a major feat getting it all done.
And who says bribery gets you nowhere.
I also managed to sketch out a few good ideas for this blog, so we'll see how those work out. Seeing how boring and completely uneventful today was, I promise I'll have something a little more substantial to write about tomorrow. Maybe. Possibly. Okay maybe I should take that promise part out. Okay I just did.