Monday, March 29, 2010


I just had a thought. Seeing as this blog is partially about chronically my pregnancy, I thought it might only make sense to introduce everyone to my little bundle of joy inside of me.

I would like to introduce the world to Peanut. He will be the topic of many of my blog posts, so get used to him hanging around.

Planned On Doing Nothing

It sounds like an oxymoron at first glance, but that's just what I did. I made a plan today to do nothing. Of course things didn't quite work out that way, but hey at least I made a plan. I ended up bribing myself to do laundry. Yes, I did say bribing myself. That's just the way it is. I finished one load and I got some pineapples. I finished the second load and I got a bacon cheeseburger. Since the last load were sheets for my bed, the reward was simple: a nap. That was a major feat getting it all done.

And who says bribery gets you nowhere.

I also managed to sketch out a few good ideas for this blog, so we'll see how those work out. Seeing how boring and completely uneventful today was, I promise I'll have something a little more substantial to write about tomorrow. Maybe. Possibly. Okay maybe I should take that promise part out. Okay I just did.

Creating My Personal Manifesto

As part of this whole process of opening up and being totally honest, raw, and uncensored, I have decided to create a personal manifesto. I have been following Marelisa Fábrega's Abundance Blog on creativity, productivity and  simplicity. According to Marelisa, "your personal manifesto, creed, or magna carta, is a set of rules or guidelines you’ve created for your life. Having a personal manifesto will help you make decisions that are in line with your values and the vision you have for your life."